WP6 – Dissemination & communication

Disseminating results to improve awareness of the occurrence, distribution and impacts of large, slow rock slope deformations is an important part of this project. Our targets will include:

  • stakeholders (e.g. regional authorities, selected municipalities);
  • practitioners (e.g. professional geologists – Ordine dei Geologi della Lombardia);
  • general public living in affected areas;
  • high-school students (future stakeholders!);
  • university students in Geology/Engineering degrees (future practitioners!);
  • scientific community;
  • funding institution (Fondazione Cariplo).

The different types of public will be reached using targeted means and initiatives deployed over the entire project duration and at different stages of the project. Dissemination initiatives will be also advertised and supported through project website, social media and stakeholder websites.